How to Fix App Installation Error In Google Play Store

By | December 9, 2021

How to Fix App Installation Error In Google Play Store: Play Store Is Most Important part Of Our Android Mobile. Many times Show App Not Installing,Errors And Show Pending. You Can Fix All Google Play Store Problems In This Trick. So Follow All Tips Now

Check your Internet connection

It may seem too simple or easy, but checking your Internet connection could solve the problems you’re having. Try switching from Wi-Fi to mobile data, or vice versa, and see if the problem persists. You should also try switching your phone to “airplane mode” and back again. Finally, you can reset your router to make absolutely sure you have a good connection.

Important Tip – Go To App Option & Clear Data Of Your Play Store App

Check your date and time settings

Google checks your Android smartphone’s date and time for the Play Store. If the store does not find a time, then it could cause some issues. Google’s servers could have a tough time syncing with your device and cause your Play Store to act up.

To fix this issue, you need to go into your the Settings in your Android device. Under System, you should see Date and Time. Tap on this and you will see whether your phone is on the Automatic date and time provided by your network. If it isn’t already then you should toggle it on.

If your device is on automatic and your Google Play Store is still not working then you should manually set the date and time. You first need to turn Automatic date and time off. Then start by entering the date and time with as much accuracy as possible. If this doesn’t work, don’t worry, there are still many more solutions for getting your Google Play Store up and running again.

Install the latest version of Google Play Services

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Another thing that may help is to download and install the latest version of Google Play Services and the Google Play Store. The most current version of the software is likely to be the most stable, so it’s useful to keep it updated.


  • Firstly, you need to make sure your Google Play Store is up-to-date.
  • Go into the Google Play Store app
  • Go To menu button (three lines in the top left-hand corner of your screen).
  • From there tap Settings and under General you should be able to see when your Google Play app updates.
  • Tap Auto-update apps and ensure that Auto-update apps over Wi-Fi is checked. Now, make sure you’re connected to Wi-Fi. Check out our next post

Getting the latest version of Google Play Services is much more difficult and too long to mention here.

Reset your Google account on your device

We’re now coming to the slightly more drastic solutions. If your Play Store app still isn’t working, then you may need to refresh your Google account on your Android device. This will mean your Google account on your entire phone will be reset and not just in the Google Play Store. Make sure you know the account(s) before you start this. You could lose the entire account if you’re not careful.

So to do this, remove your account then add it again. It’s pretty simple to do.

  • Go to your Settings and tap Accounts.
  • Now you need to tap the Google account you want to remove,
  • then tap the menu icon (three dots at the top right) and tap Remove account.
  • Do this for every Google account on your device.
  • Now you need to re-enter your Google account.
  • Go back into your Settings and tap on Account again.
  • The only thing you should see is Add Account. If you see an account then you forgot to remove one.
  • Tap Add Account and follow the on-screen steps to re-add your account.
  • Clear data and cache on Google Play Services

It is possible that Play Store problems could stem from issues with Google Play Services. If Google Play Store is the heart of your Android device, then Google Play Services is its soul. Play Services is the mysterious background process that allows apps to communicate with different parts of your device, enabling them to sync, send push notifications and so on.

If clearing the cache and data in your Google Play Store didn’t work then you may need to go into your Google Play Services and clear the data and cache there. Doing this is easy.

You need to go into your Settings and hit Application manager or Apps. From there, find the Google Play Services app (the puzzle piece). Depending on your device, you should be able to tap the Clear cache button or you might need to go into Storage first then hit Clear cache. If that fails to solve the problem, come back to this page and hit Manage space or Manage storage then tap Clear all data.

Disable Unknown Sources

Leaving the Unknown Sources box checked is a major security hole that can cause problems down the road. The best way to keep yourself safe is to go back and turn that off! If you have Android Oreo or later, you are done and you can skip this step because these settings aren’t in your phone anymore.

  • Go back into your device settings.
  • Go back into the Security settings, Privacy settings, or Application settings (wherever you found it last time).
  • Uncheck the box. This will prevent everything (except the Play Store) from installing apps. You can always re-check the box later if you need to do this again.

Now Your Google Play Store All Issue Is Fix. You Can Install Your Fev App And Enjoy

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